M3 Marketplace FAQ's M3 Marketplace FAQ's

For Buyers:

-How does this work?

Sellers ship and fulfill your order. You will receive a notification when your order ships along with tracking.

-How can I trust these sellers?

Sellers are approved by us after a review of other selling accounts.

-What happens if my order isn't shipped?

Orders are expected to ship within 1-3 business days. If your order is not shipped in this time frame, we will contact the seller. Your order will be cancelled and refunded in full if it is not shipped in this timeframe. Sellers are not paid until an order is fulfilled.

-What happens if my order is lost?

We will follow up with the seller and they will be instructed to open a claim with USPS and follow up with you.


For Sellers:

-What are the fees?

10% commission goes to us. You are paid for the order and the shipping cost.

-How do I get paid?

We send payments out daily via PayPal. You will receive a payment after fulfilling your orders.

-What kind of products can I sell?

Right now we are limiting products to only Funko Pops and collectibles.

-How many products can I list?


-Any restrictions?

We ask that you post a clear picture or multiple pictures of the actual product your buyer will be receiving. 

-I'm in! How do I apply?

Click here

For Buyers:

-How does this work?

Sellers ship and fulfill your order. You will receive a notification when your order ships along with tracking.

-How can I trust these sellers?

Sellers are approved by us after a review of other selling accounts.

-What happens if my order isn't shipped?

Orders are expected to ship within 1-3 business days. If your order is not shipped in this time frame, we will contact the seller. Your order will be cancelled and refunded in full if it is not shipped in this timeframe. Sellers are not paid until an order is fulfilled.

-What happens if my order is lost?

We will follow up with the seller and they will be instructed to open a claim with USPS and follow up with you.


For Sellers:

-What are the fees?

10% commission goes to us. You are paid for the order and the shipping cost.

-How do I get paid?

We send payments out daily via PayPal. You will receive a payment after fulfilling your orders.

-What kind of products can I sell?

Right now we are limiting products to only Funko Pops and collectibles.

-How many products can I list?


-Any restrictions?

We ask that you post a clear picture or multiple pictures of the actual product your buyer will be receiving. 

-I'm in! How do I apply?

Click here

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